(click click to enlarge enlarge)
so this one time...
I'm lookin' at this girl but I don't like what I see.
She's all pert and pretty and starin' at me.
I'm all 'step off you.. you.. doofus jerk'
and she says 'hey guy- sure do like your shirt'
But I don't wanna hear it
so I turn her ass down
when a girl flirts with me
her eyes better not be brown
I'm lookin' at this girl but I don't like what I see.
She's all pert and pretty and starin' at me.
I'm all 'step off you.. you.. doofus jerk'
and she says 'hey guy- sure do like your shirt'
But I don't wanna hear it
so I turn her ass down
when a girl flirts with me
her eyes better not be brown