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Don't be rude

I want to drive a brown truck
brown like dirt- not like dung

I want to wear a brown shirt and suit
so that I don't blend in with the high strung

I'd like to have brown skin
but that one is decided for, not by, me

The only thing that I don't want brown
is the water in the toilet bowl
cuz that means that someone didn't flush
and that's just rude

and please make sure that you wash your hands while you're in there


Malicious Intent
Yeah.. I did it. So what?!
I totally meant to do it, my intention was to hurt and offend you personally and I am pleased that my goal was accomplished.
Although I must tell you... I have no idea who you are and am really not sure that you meant to sling your vitriol at me.
So much for constructive critisism.
But... much as I hate to admit it... you do have a point.
And I will take it.
and hide it.
and you will never see it again.
So there.

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